If your insurance carrier is not listed, please feel free to call your insurance company, or our office, to see if Baby Bear Cranial Clinic is listed as an In-Network provider.

If we are NOT In-Network, there are alternative options, listed below, to ensure you get the care needed:

1.) You can submit your claim as an out-of-network claim. We will give you all of the documentation necessary to submit the claim and any information that would be needed to submit for prior authorization. You pay for the device as Patient-Pay and then it is your responsibility to submit the claim to your insurance. Contacting your HR representative can be very helpful to walk you through this process.

2.) You can Patient-Pay at a discounted rate. We offer an additional one-time payment discount or 90-day payment plans if needed.

3.) Apply for a grant or utilize a local charity to cover your medical costs. You can find out more about these options on our website:

4.) Contact your insurance carrier to find alternative in-network providers. While we would love to serve your family we also do not want your family to be under undue hardship. Be sure to ask questions like the availability of appointment times, the expertise of the provider, cost with insurance (sometimes the Patient-Pay cost is actually less than through insurance), and the timeline of treatment.

Our consultations are free of cost, so you are welcome to utilize this service regardless of In-Nework status. If you have additional questions please feel free to call or email us at

Additional Funding

Grants and Charities

United Healthcare Childrens Foundation

The mission of UHCCF is to provide medical grants to enhance the quality of life of children across the United States. Through these grants, kids can get the care they need. We invite you to become part of UHCCF's legacy.

The Shannon Foundation

Working through social workers at various hospitals across the country to identify kids in need, the foundation has paid for medicine, medical tests and procedures, equipment (such as wheelchairs, ventilators, etc.), hospital visits, surgery, medical co-pays, chemotherapy, and physical therapy.

Wisconsin Variety Grant

Variety – the Children’s Charity of Wisconsin provides funding to allow children with special needs to attend camps, specialized therapy, and obtain adapted bikes and mobility equipment (i.e., gait trainers, standers, mobile standers, specialized strollers, specialized car seats, etc). We help provide things that are not covered by insurance or other funding sources, and that help promote health and participation in the communities. Applicants must reside in Wisconsin and be 21 years of age or younger.

Army Emergency Relief

(for Military families)

All assistance requests are unique and considered on an individual basis.